Project keyVCS-875Project description - The FSM-REDD Project, proposed by Florestal Santa Maria S/A (FSM), is located in Colniza Municipality, Mato Grosso, Brazil. This region is part of the Brazilian Amazon and known as Deforestation Arch, due to the intense deforestation pressure. As an alternative to combat this, FSM-REDD Project estimates the avoidance of 29,923,331 tCO2 throughout 30 years within Fazenda Florestal Santa Maria – private land owned by FSM, comprising 71,714 ha. of native forest. FSM is committed to local socio-environmental development. Project activities encompass a partnership with a neighboring State Park, promoting local initiatives to create fire brigades. Also, FSM will create together with Colniza City Hall, technical forestry schools targeting education of local youngsters.