Song Ong Hydropower Project

Song Ong Hydropower Project

Renewable Energy

Verified project

Project details

Project key
Project description
Song Ong Hydropower Project involves the construction of a hydropower plant with 3 units. The project has an installed capacity of 8.1 MW and estimated annual gross power generation of 40,500 MWh, respectively.The purpose of project is to generate and supply renewable electricity to the national grid under the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) signed with the Electricity Corporation of Vietnam (EVN). The net electricity generated by the project (annual estimated generation is 39,994 MWh) is supplied to the national grid via a 22 kV line, which connects the plant with Ninh Son 110/22 kV transformer station. The project activity involves the construction of a dam, an intake, tunnels, a penstock, a pressurized well, a powerhouse and a discharge channel in order to convert potential flowing energy from the stream into clean electrical energy.


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