Grid-Connected Wind Electricity Generation Project In Tamil Nadu, India

Grid-Connected Wind Electricity Generation Project In Tamil Nadu, India

Renewable Energy

Verified project

Project details

Project key
Project description
The project activity under consideration has been promoted by National Enterprises, referred to as the project proponent throughout this document. The project activity involves the setting up of two numbers of WTGs of cumulative capacity of 3.3 MW (2 X 1.65 MW). The envisaged net electricity generation quantum from the project to the tune of 7938 MWh on an annual basis would be exported to the nearest grid substation of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, a part of Southern Regional Electricity Grid of India3. The basic purpose of the initiative is to generate clean energy through renewable energy source and supply the power to the grid. The power generated by the project displaces an equivalent quantity of power generated by grid by a majority of fossil fuel combustion, thus contributing to the cause of conservation of the conventional sources of energy.


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