Kirazlık Hydroelectric Power Plant Project

Kirazlık Hydroelectric Power Plant Project

Renewable Energy

Verified project

Project details

Project key
Project description
The Kirazlık Hydroelectric Power Plant (Kirazlık HPP) project is located at the Eastern Anatolia Geographical district of Turkey over the Botan Stream that is one of the major tributaries of the River Tigris. It is a gravity dam on the Botan River, 9 km east of Siirt in Siirt Province of southeastern Turkey. The purpose of the dam is to regulate the outflow of the Alkumru Dam upstream and to produce hydroelectric power with a run-of-the-river design. The Kirazlık HPP is designed with a total capacity of 46.11 MW, and with this capacity, the project is estimated to produce 150,610 MWh of electricity per year1. The annual electricity delivered to the grid by the project would have otherwise been generated by the operation of grid-connected power plants and by the addition of new generation sources. Based on this fact the project is estimated to reduce 81,307 tonnes of CO2e annually.


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