Allain Duhangan Hydroelectric Project (ADHP)

Allain Duhangan Hydroelectric Project (ADHP)

Renewable Energy

Verified project

Project details

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Project description
Allain Duhangan Hydroelectric Project (ADHP) proposed by AD Hydro Power Ltd. (ADPL) is a run-of the-river 192 MW hydro power project at the confluence of Allain & Duhangan rivulets at Pirni village in Manali town of Kullu district in Himachal Pradesh state of India. This is a new hydroelectric project, currently with a reservoir having a power density of 6508.4746 W/ m2. The proposed project consists of high head underground power plant that would utilise flows from a combination of glacial snow melt and monsoon rains in these two rivulets for the purpose of harnessing hydro power. Construction work at project site has been started and the project activity is expected to start generation of power from June 2008. The project energy benefits have been assessed at (CentralElectricity Authority CEA approved) 678.18 GWh year in 90% dependable years. The project activity has a power density factor of 6508 W/M2PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD:This project was open for public comment from 21 November – 21 December 2019. No public comments were received.


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