Wind Power Project In Maharashtra State, India

Wind Power Project In Maharashtra State, India

Renewable Energy

Verified project

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Project description
The Project Proponent, Mahalaxmi Commercial Services Private Limited, has proposed to develop a 10.5 MW wind power project at site-Jath, Taluka-Jath, District-Sangli, State-Maharashtra in India. M/s Baidyanath Power Private Limited (earlier owner Mahalaxmi Commercial Services Private Limited. The Business Transfer Agreement is executed between Mahalaxmi Commercial Services Private Limited and Baidyanath Power Private Limited on 13th October 2015) is the new project proponent of the proposed project activity.The project activity will generate electricity utilising wind energy and will supply the generated electricity to the regional MSEDCL grid which is under purview NEWNE grid. Net electricity supplied to the grid by project activity is measured on continuous basis with the 0.2s accuracy meters1. In absence of the project activity equivalent amount of electricity would have otherwise been generated by existing and new power plants connected to the emission intensive NEWNE electricity..This project was open for public comment from 06 June - 06 July 2017. No comments were received.


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