Wind Based Power Generation By Mytrah Energy (India) Limited (Ekiesl-VCS-January-16-01)

Wind Based Power Generation By Mytrah Energy (India) Limited (Ekiesl-VCS-January-16-01)

Renewable Energy

Verified project

Project details

Project key
Project description
The purpose of the project activity is to generate power using renewable energy source (wind) fo the purpose of captive utility. The project activity generates electricity using wind potential and converts it into kinetic energy using Wind turbines, which drives the alternators to generate energy. The generated electricity is exported to the regional grid system which is under the purview of the Southern grid of India. The proposed project activity involves the installation of Wind Power Projects. The total installed capacity of the project is 233.1 MW; which involves the operation of 156 Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) with capacity of 0.85 MW each located at Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh implemented by Mytrah Vayu Krishna Private Limited and 67 Wind Turbine Generator (WTGs) of 1.5 MW implemented by Mytrah Vayu (Manjira) Private Limited Tamil Nadu state in India. These are the subsidiary companies of Mythra Energy (India) Limited. However, the project is promoted by Mythra Energy (India) Ltd


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