Eglence I-II Hydroelectric Power Plant

Eglence I-II Hydroelectric Power Plant

Renewable Energy

Verified project

Project details

Project key
Project description
Eglence I-II, a run-off-river hydroelectric power plant, is located on the Eglence River, in the Mediterranean Region within the Karaisali disrict of Adana province. Eðlence I-II consists of construction of a green field project with 68.65 MWe of installed capacity comprising two weirs and two power houses. (The units proposed to be established upstream are named as “Eglence-I” while the units proposed to be established downstream are named as “Eglence-II”. Therefore; these mentioned supplementary projects are observed as a whole named “Eglence I-II”). The installed capacity of Eglence I is 42.65 MWe, generating approximately 127,280 MWh of clean energy per annum, while the installed capacity of Eglence II is 26.00 MWe, generating approximately 78,019 MWh of clean energy per annum. The net electricity production from the plant is estimated as 205,299 MWh/year and the average annual emission reduction of the proposed project is estimated to be 114,065 tonnes of CO2e (tCO2e).


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